41 West, Vancouver BC

    41 WEST
    41 WEST

    41 WEST Vancouver BC.

    699 41st Ave, Vancouver

    Sitting near the dynamic Cambie corridor, the 98-unit condo project at 41st Avenue is developed by local Washington Property. The building is just steps away from the Oakridge mall, the 2nd top producing mall in Canada after Toronto’s Yorkdale Shopping Centre.

    Oakridge/Cambie area is considered an urban gem at the hub of popular transportation and transit networks, and has been subject to redevelopment talks for most of the past decade.

    Atlas worked closely with the client to custom design a system installed on multiple levels to suit their needs.Applications:

    1. Building Roof top Maintenance (RTM)
    2. Scheduled Exterior Building Maintenance


    1. Fall Arrest and Restraint Anchors